Monday, June 2, 2008

The Round Table Bargain

There we were, all sitting around a round table. Me sitting right next to the devil. He pushes a piece of paper towards me.

Devil: Here you go. I believe this is what you had in mind before you came to our meeting.

Me: hmmmm.....(going over the paper)...wait... I also recommended pain's involvement in this.

Devil: Errmm...actually, a problem with that.

Me and the Devil looked over at Pain who was sitting across from us.

Pain: (with a nasty expression on his face and shrugs) I want no involvement on this.

Me: Oh come on!

Pain: Forget it!!

Sanity: Please!! (looks imploringly towards me) Don't do this. Just think of the consequences.

Me: (ignores Sanity's pleas and faces the Devil instead). You also promised me no Pain.

Devil: Yeah...welll.. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it. Their mind is pretty much made up.

Me: hmpf... fine then. It's a deal.

Devil: (beams) excellent. I'm glad every thing's in order then. I've been after your soul for a while.

We all stood. Sanity still grumbling under her breath follows a couple of steps behind me as we all leave.

Pain: (standing behind everyone) and oh by the way... I might visit once in a while and if you don't mind I'll bring along Sick as well...

I shoot Devil a look and he shrugs and shook his head as if to say he can't help it.

Me: Fine. As long as I get my share.

A colleague of mine inspired me to write this. He always complains that I never take sick leave. So here you go. Here's the reason. Sick has been pretty mild with me whenever he visited. Pain as usual visits me often these days just for his sick pleasure. As for Death. He's keeping his end of the bargain.


Anonymous said...

loved this.

paperclippenny said...

thank you :D

AzMyst said...

Oh, you can't fool me. :) I am the devil.

paperclippenny said...

really now? Funny u can't remember our deal then

AzMyst said...

I do! This wasn't it.

paperclippenny said...

oh yes it was!!!

Unknown said...

you guys.... never will change.. by the way penny this one is really really good. i love it

Unknown said...

i wonder what the deal was...hmmmm

paperclippenny said...

thanxx dhona :P

and as for the's our little secret...lets just say it involves a little bit of death, a pinch of destruction and whole lot of soul

Unknown said...

and a wizard called ***SH***

AzMyst said...

A wizard eh? How very interesting...

kaiza shozey said...

heheh. i must say that was actually pretty interesting.

paperclippenny said...

thank you, kaiza shozey