Wednesday, May 28, 2008

PMS Sorrow

I'm in serious need of a pick-me-up. I'm basically teetering over the edge of my good and well kept patience. The stress of smiling through everything when all I want to do is bite someone's head off is tiring me out. So I think I'll just list out all the stuff that annoyed me through out this morning.

1- On top of having a bad knee I nearly twisted my ankle.

2- I nearly tripped over a fallen brunch. I mean for goodness sake, I well avoided all the puddles but I didn't see a freakin' three feet long fallen brunch.

3- I nagged. I loathe nagging. It's a waste of my energy. But I ended up nagging and I'm upset with myself over that.

4- My foot is having pins and needles as we speak and I just want to bang it against the desk.

5- I just want to sleeep, instead I'm stuck at work.

....... I'm sure there's more but I can't actually think of anything right now ..... so anyway I'm just gonna post one of my new favourite comic strips

Ok, now I'm just gonna go and drown my PMS sorrow in Slipknot


AzMyst said...

hello there grumpikuss. You better be in a good mood for the party!

Anonymous said...

i wonder if theres a cure for PMS..

screaming into the pillow helps!

paperclippenny said...

azmyst: I was not a sourpuss =) and very proud of meself as well...

bulhaa: does it? hmmmmmmmmm.... i'll try it next time.