Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My First Blog

Alrighty letseeeeeeeee now....

When this year started I made two new resolutions (this is a first for me as i never made new year resolution before).

One was to exercise more. Which i did start in January itself (surprise surprise). I went jogging, everyday for two whole weeks before spraining BOTH my ankles. Then last month i started an aerobics class. (I'll explain all about that later)

The second resolution was to write more. Currently I'm going through this phase where I just don't feel like writing. Oh things are happening but I don't feel the need to share them. I've tried all sorts of methods. Keeping papers and pens in my purse so I can just whip them out wherever and whenever. Moving into my friend's apartment and staying in her guest room every weekend hoping the peace and quiet will prompt me (no luck there... I'm too busy having fun with my friend.)

I've even tried a no-talking experiment. For some reason i thought that if i talk less I'll write more. Unfortunately the timing was wrong, and for someone who hardly gets much social calls, that one hour when i decided to be quiet i get all sorts of calls.

.......wow well waddaya know I just wrote, 1, 2, 3 ....6 paraphraphs including this. :D Must give myself a good pat in the back.

And to sigh off I'll quote arnold swarzwhatisname "I'll be back!" (hopefully)


AzMyst said...

I was going to comment but since I am apparently not human it took a few tries before I got through the word verification.

Anyway, so THAT'S the reason you went to the apartment eh? Well good luck to you then.

paperclippenny said...

yea that was one of the reason I pitched the apartment idea. Genius, I know